Okay before I begin with my
slackiness (is that a word?), I would just like to announce that today I have had to kill to spiders
onmy own. Me and spiders don't get along and usually my hubby is here to break up the fight. Today however I had to MAN up and do it. I had to protect my children!
Okay that being said I have had some major
writers block lately. I don't know why! I am really trying to fix it. I need to be more
committed to my blogging!
Okay so for the actual 5 readers that I do have...please click on the link on my sidebar for Baby
Stellan. He is in bad shape and needs our prayers. Please Pray!
I have been looking lately for a job. I want to watch some children to supplement some income since blogging ain't doing it for me
HAHA! The problem is that everyone and their mother has the same idea. Ugh! Its so frustrating!
To update about the boys preschool...we found one! Hip hip hooray! And the best part is that it is not a mortgage payment just to send them. I was going to have them start this week however my hubby got pinkeye. None of us have gotten it yet but I
didn't want to infect the whole school. That would not be a good first impression.
Oh yes and how could I have forgotten to blog about this...the other day we were at home depot with the boys and while we were checking out using the self check out, Ryan told the cashier next to us that she was fat! I mean does it get any more
embarrassing? She was very good about it and we made him apologize and had a very stern talk to him about name calling and peoples feelings. Seriously though 5 is the hardest age by far!
Okay so there see I had a lot to blog about!
Now I am going to bed...think of
Stellan and keep him in your thoughts and prayers.