Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bloggy Makeover

I feel so smart right now. I created my own bloggy layout and added the background. Whoo-hoo! I have been trying to figure out how to do that forever. What do you think? I am not done but for right now it's staying.

I am finally feeling better...thanks to hubby. We had a busy day of packing, organizing, shopping and then out to eat with the boys. It was a good day. I only have Jim here for one more day then I am on my own for the next 12 days to take care of boys and finish packing entire house. So far I think we are in good shape, but its so hard to pack your house and still have to live in it. I should take some pics of my house right now because it is soooo trashed. Boxes and stuff everywhere!

With all the packing comes some confusion for the boys. Don't get me wrong they are very adaptable children. The are awesome travelers and will sleep anywhere. They are used to it. They are used to change. But when it comes to their own things being disturbed, they don't like it. We took all their beds apart and just have their mattresses on the floor now, they didn't like it until they discovered how much more fun it is to jump on the bed now. We sold their swing set so we wouldn't have to move it or leave it plus we want a bigger one. They didn't like that. But when the day comes to buy the new one they will love it. They have had a blast playing inside the boxes.

All around it's been an adventure that's for sure. Only to get much more crazy!

More later!

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