Saturday, January 10, 2009


So there are 2 houses that we have narrowed our search down too. Both of which after we looked at them received other offers. Both offers were contingent so we still had a chance to offer. The problem was that once we picked one then the other one was done. So we thought long and hard and went with my house (I love my hubby!). So we put in our offer today and they accepted. yet! We still have to wait now for the original buyers because they get 48 to remove the contingency. So we will see what happens. Very very stressful!

Today was a very fun day. We were outside for most of the day. After not being here for 2 months there was a lot of yard work to do. Hubby cut grass and trimmed and I pulled weeds (By far one of my least fav domestic duty next to ironing). The kids played all day which was really fun.

This morning when everyone woke up we were in our bedroom and talking about what the kids wanted for breakfast. Jasmine our dog was laying on Jim. We call Jasmine Mini a lot. So as the breakfast conversation was in full force Ryan is saying he wants "R" cereal(Reeses Puffs), Zachy is saying me too! Cameron yells out "Jasmine can have "Mini Wheats". We just all started laughing it was so cute and funny. Mini wheats for Mini! So Cute!

Ok more later! Wish us luck with the house!

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