Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We made it! We are officially home in Florida! It only took 20 hours in the car. When we went to Ohio it took 16 hours. This time we had bad weather. It was long but we made it and its weird to say that I am so happy to be home. I didn't think we would come back home at all. I expected to be moving to Rochester by now but that is not the case. So here we are at home hopefully only for a month or 2 until we buy a house. Oh yes which house...still not sure. All that is still being worked out. So annoying!

It was so great today we when pulled in the driveway to see the boys faces light up. They were so happy to be home. They ran inside and ran straight to their rooms and were calling us saying Mommy, Daddy come look at my room. They showed us all their toys that have been here waiting for them. It was so cute. Honestly, it was better then Christmas morning. It was great!

So here I am back to my routine, kids in bed, on my laptop, watching my stupid non-intellectual shows such as Real World. I freakin' love it!

My house is a wreak and toys are everywhere but I am glad to be here. I am glad for my time in Ohio with friends and family but so glad to be HOME!!!

More Later.

1 comment:

Dana B said...

That is cool that we chose the same background. Great minds think alike!!

I am fairly new to blogging. I love it, but can't seem to find the time to get it done...ha's a new year's resolution to be more consistent with it.

Hope to learn more about you in this blogging world!