Monday, January 12, 2009

Whats that floating in the bathtub?

Another eventful night in our house. During bath tonight Zachy had diarrhea in the tub. SO nasty! I am not sure there is anything more disgusting. Especially when you have 3 clean boys in there...and you have to start all over. Well we eventually gotall the boys clean and dressed and smelling

This weekend has been so nice. It's been nice to be here all together. Only one more day then Jim is back to New York. Myself and the boys are here until we move. I hate that word-MOVE...ugh who wants to do all that? As excited as I am to be there all together in the same State, I dread starting over again. But I know that it will all be so worth it.

Tomorrow we should find out if we definitly got our house. I am so nervous. We are being cautiously optimistic. So stay tuned.

I have been trying to learn more about blogging and I really want to get into doing product reviews. I just don't know where to get started??? If anyone has any advice i would greatly appreciate it.

More Later!

1 comment:

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

O boy! have I had experiences with "Whats that floating in the bathtub"'s lol ... not fun at all!

Good Luck with the house!! :)

As for product reviews... I have only done 1 review/giveaway myself.. and have another giveaway coming up... but my advice... focus on blogging... letting your readers get to know you... tweet and make bloggy friends (classy closet is great!)... and it will all come together in time.

Im a quazi-newbie myself.