Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blah Day!

Today was just one of those days. One of those nothing to talk about days.

I am excited about tomorrow. My best friends 2 boys are gonna be staying with us for a few days. My boys are excited. So I will have 5 boys for about 5 days. Should be interesting! They are gonna have a blast.

Now I am sitting here listening to the dogs stomach gurgle like I've never heard before. Why you ask? Because when he is outside supposed to be doing his business he is out there (stop reading if you are eating...NOW) eating his poop, my other dogs poop too. Why? I know its just a matter of time before he starts puking tonight. I am so not looking forward to it.

Okay off to bed!

More Later


Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

WOW it seems almost every blogger I speak to or visit is having a case of the BLAHS! ... Thank God the nicer weather is round' the corner. (or maybe you have the hot weather all year round. I dont know lol)

Either way.. check out my latest post -- I talked ab it too.. and I linked to another one of my favorite bloggers who spoke ab it too... pretty funny.

Shauna said...

I am new here! What an awesome blog! Hope you are having a great weekend!