Saturday, January 31, 2009

Calling the Kettle Black

I could not go to bed before posting this one. Today we were out shopping at Home Depot. With 3 boys its hard to keep track of them and no one wants to push around 2 carts so Zachary was in the top of the cart, Ryan sitting in the back, and Cameron standing on the front (his fav place). Well one of the times we stopped to look Cam went to step off of it and hit his chin on the cart. Of course while he is crying he is yelling his famous line whenever he gets hurt "I want an ice pack." How this started I don't know but it has stuck and now all of my kids say it for the slightest hurt. So I am holding him to comfort him (get him to be quiet), and Jim says to him "You're fine Cam, your tough." Cam goes on that he is not tough and still wants an ice pack. After a few minutes he finally calms down and we go on about our shopping.

As we are walking out we had the cart of all the boys and our purchases and Jim was pulling one of those dolly-type carts loaded with dirt (to fill in where the swing set was), boxes (running low), and a dolly for moving day. When we step off the curb into the parking lot Jim runs over his own foot with his cart. He is jumping and wincing in pain. I was in front of him so I asked what happened and he told me and Cam stood up ( he was in the cart this time) and said "Your tough Dad, you'll be fine." So funny! He's a smart-thinker that one.

More Later!

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