Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Parent Applications

Tonight my husband and I were sitting here watching the news and it was literally too much. I never like to watch the news anyway but today was just to much to handle. Every other story is about missing kids or kids that were killed, possibly even by there own parents. It just makes me so sick. Quite honestly in my opinion parents should have to apply to have their own children.

The fact that a couple that tries to have their own children and for some reason or another cannot want to adopt a.) they have to pay a fortune b.) they have to wait about a year c.) they go through every background check, home welfare check, fingerprinted and the list goes on. On the other hand someone can get pregnant, not know who the dad is, consider giving up baby for adoption, have baby anyway, then when reality sets in that they have to care for the child...kill the child and blame it on some non-existent person, as in the case of Casey Anthony.

Then there was this guy I don't' remember from where that fathered like 29 kids or something. That's insane. You know who is taking care of those kids...we are. They are all on welfare and from who know how many different mothers. First off that is disgusting and second it's bullshit!

I feel like if you want to have kids you should have to apply almost the same way you would to adopt except not as strict. I don't know. I mean I know we should let God be in control...but kids are dying everyday because their parents don't want them. Its sad because there are other parents that would die to have those children. It all makes no sense and something should be done. That's all...that's my opinion. Sorry for rambling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very true! I say that myself all the time. There really does need to be some sort of something! It is heartbreaking. There are so many people out there who should not be parents.