Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Zachary

Today is my babies birthday! Zachary turns 3! Happy Birthday sweet boy! We love you very much!

Morning Moments

This morning at breakfast time the boys ran downstairs and raided the cereal cabinet. Cameron pulled out his cereal that was in a "family size" box. He asked me a couple days ago what the big yellow letters said going across the box, so I told him. So when he pulled out the box he told Zachary that his box was "family size". Then Zachary pulls out the cereal that he wanted and Cameron asked him what his box said. Zachary answered, "It says Zachary Size".

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I am very happy to finally report we are officially done with our construction project. You have no idea how exciting it is to say that. I was up til 2:30 am staining doors and my hubby kept telling me to come to bed, but I couldn't. I told him I not bringing out the stain and brushes and dropcloths one more time. I am staying up til its done. And I did just that.
We finally bought a car for me to take back and forth to school. Its a what I like to call a "Grandpa Car". I mean it has an ashtray with a cigarette lighter. That's old! I may take up smoking. JK!
I am very excited because in 2 weeks my friend Trish from Florida is coming for another visit. I can't wait. We have a lot of catching up and scrapping to do.
What else, what else...
School days school days are upon us. In 2 short weeks I will be an official nursing student, my oldest will be a kindergartner, and my middle will be in pre-k. Talk about change going on. Its going to be very hectic.
Okay well that's all i can think of today. More later!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Parent Applications

Tonight my husband and I were sitting here watching the news and it was literally too much. I never like to watch the news anyway but today was just to much to handle. Every other story is about missing kids or kids that were killed, possibly even by there own parents. It just makes me so sick. Quite honestly in my opinion parents should have to apply to have their own children.

The fact that a couple that tries to have their own children and for some reason or another cannot want to adopt a.) they have to pay a fortune b.) they have to wait about a year c.) they go through every background check, home welfare check, fingerprinted and the list goes on. On the other hand someone can get pregnant, not know who the dad is, consider giving up baby for adoption, have baby anyway, then when reality sets in that they have to care for the child...kill the child and blame it on some non-existent person, as in the case of Casey Anthony.

Then there was this guy I don't' remember from where that fathered like 29 kids or something. That's insane. You know who is taking care of those kids...we are. They are all on welfare and from who know how many different mothers. First off that is disgusting and second it's bullshit!

I feel like if you want to have kids you should have to apply almost the same way you would to adopt except not as strict. I don't know. I mean I know we should let God be in control...but kids are dying everyday because their parents don't want them. Its sad because there are other parents that would die to have those children. It all makes no sense and something should be done. That's all...that's my opinion. Sorry for rambling.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Zachy's Big Day

Well on August 27th my little Zachary turns 3. It is so very sad. We were in Ohio this past weekend and had a party for him at the park. He had such a blast. I was so happy we were able to have it there with all of our family and friends.
Here he is blowing out the candles.
(If you know what's good for you, please tune out my singing, thank you.)

Race Day

Back in February, I bought my husband and I tickets to the Watkins Glen Nascar Race here in New York. So two weeks ago was race day. My parents came for the weekend to watch the kids for us. We had pit passes and spent the whole day there. The weather was on and off cloudy sunny but still really hot. Not a drop of rain! So we did everything we could possibly do before the start of the race and then headed to our seats. Literally 20 seconds before the announcer says "Gentlemen start your engines" he instead begins to tell us there is a storm coming and run for your life. Okay maybe not like that but basically like that. We had to leave the grandstands and take cover underneath. Below in the video I took of us "taking cover."

The race never did happen that day.

It was postponed until Monday the next day at noon, when my parents would be driving back home, therefore leaving us no sitter.

No we did not attend the race:-(

But we still did have a great day together!

P.S Why does the video always have to freeze on my face and make me look like some goof???

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dirty Feet

Today I was able to meet Clarissa from The Diary of a POSHpreneur. We met at a local Mcdonalds with a playplace. It was really fun to have adult conversation while the kids played. Thanks Clarissa we had a great time.
Now watch this little vlog I did when we got home about their dirty feet!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

This was taken 2 years ago. I can hardly believe it! My little Zachary will be 3 in just a few weeks.

Potty training

Well this past weekend we had a lot to do with our construction project so we knew we would be home all weekend. So we decided this would be the weekend of potty training Zachary. Let me start off by saying that my mom potty trained my first two. Being that my kids are so close in age I just couldn't stay consistent with it. So my mom took them each for a week at her house and they came home trained. Thanks mom! Now however we live in New York and that's not possible. I have to say I was a little scared about the situation. Zachary is a very good kid. He is very smart but oh so stubborn. He has to be he is the youngest. Well as much as I thought that would make our situation worse it actually made it better. Once he sat on the potty he wasn't getting up until he went. I would tell him "buddy go play and come back when you have to go" but he wouldn't. He sat until he went and went he did! So after one weekend of nakedness (this is the absolute key) we have a potty trained boy. My hubby is seeing dollar signs of all the cash we will be saving not buying anymore pull ups. So I am hoping he keeps up the good work, as this fall approaches and it will be a time of change for us all.