Friday, October 17, 2008

Okay back to the craziness!

So it was just one year ago that we moved here to Orlando. Now we will be moving to New York. We are pretty excited. My husband lost his job in June and it has been a long hard 4 1/2 months. Finally we got good news and got a great job with a great company. As much as we would of liked to go home to Ohio, New York is 12 hours closer to home then Florida. I know that we can drive home for the weekend to visit and I am very happy about that.

The next few months will be just as hard as it has been the last 4 months. Selling the house, finding a new place to live, not to mention that we will be apart for a while. I just can't wait for the feeling that we are settled. We have not had that in a year.

Okay its almost 1 am and I need to go to bed. More Later!


Hollie said...

what part of ny?
at least you'll be a little closer to home. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Hollie! Thanks for reading! We will be moving to Rochester, New York. And we are so excited to be closer to home. How long have you been blogging for? I am so new to this...its a bit overwhelming.