Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Counting down the days:-(

Well today is Tuesday and I am pretty sure my hubby will be leaving by this weekend. We are counting down the days until I am a single Mommy of 3 under 5. OMG! We may not see Daddy again until Thanksgiving! Its going to be so hard. But again its getting us closer to home and that is so exciting. So we are trying to squeeze as much as we can in these last few days before he leaves. Its especially hard since he has been here everyday for 4 months.

Being out of work that long has been hard and we have done pretty well I think keeping up with our bills and such. However this week has been a little more difficult. I know its only a few days til that ends and we feel like we can breathe again but waiting has been horrendous.

As I learn more about the blogging world I am sure it will be very helpful when I am here by myself. It will be good therapy when I put the kids to bed and need to vent. Should be interesting.

One story before I go. So we had this cat Jackson for the last 7 years. Well to make a long story short we had to take him to adoption center because he was ruining our house. This happened a month ago. Now we have 2 Dogs Jasmine and Bailey and 1 cat Jovi. So last night Cameron says to me, "Mommy where is Jackson the cat?" I freeze because I thought that since a month has past and not a word has been said from any of the kids that I was home free. NOT the case. I answer and say that unfortunately Jackson could not live with us anymore. He says "Does he live with someone else?" And I say "Yes". Cameron then gives me the guilt trip and says "But Jackson was Jovi's friend"...and we left it at that. I just could not believe that after one month he finally thought about Jackson. He seemed satisfied with my answers but I am sure that will not be the end of it. I hate it when I am caught off guard like that and I have no words. Hopefully it gets better and easier the more it happens. Who knows!?!?

Okay More Later!

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