Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Heading Home

Well, if it couldn't get any crazier around just did. While my hubby is in NY working, I am packing up the kids, the pets and all our things and going to Ohio for the holidays. Yes it is the craziest thing I have ever done! It will save us money from flying back and forth twice for thanksgiving and Christmas and we can see my hubby every weekend. We are so excited about that! The problem is packing up your whole life to live somewhere else for a few months. On top of that we are leaving this weekend 2 days! OMG!!!

Update on Zachary and his paci. Cutting the nipple off totally worked. Now when I ask him if he wants his paci he says, "No it's disgusting Mommy". I LOVE it! Everyone that calls talks to him on the phone asks him the same thing just to hear him say it....its so darn cute!

Okay I am off to pack! More Later!

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