Monday, June 8, 2009

To Blog or not to Blog, that is the question.

So now that I am really into my blogging my hubby is a little cautious. Why do you ask? I will tell you. For example, the other day something that my hubby did which I thought was so cute, by the way, to me was perfect blog material. The problem is now he knows "the look." You know the look we bloggers do when we think to ourselves this material is definitely going on my blog. Well I guess I have been doing it a lot because now my husband can spot the look a mile away.

So here is my look. Do you have the look? Can your husband spot the I'msobloggingaboutthis look?

Dang it, I gotta do a better job of concealing my excitement for blog material so I can blog about it before he says "Don't you dare blog about that."

Ha ha, hope you all had a great Monday!

1 comment:

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

My Husband has just learned that anything and everything can be expected to show on my blog... so he now ends things with-- "you should blog about that" lol